Player Info
Personal information
User: Silvanus_Betrium
Team: none
Real Name: not set
Age: not set
Gender: not set
Location: not set
Email Address: not set
Class: Ranger
Level: 39
Next level: 1 day, 11:59:40
Status: Online
Host: cyberis!~cyberis@user/cyberis
Account Created: Tue Nov 2 10:06:27 2021
Last login: Thu Jan 2 03:09:56 2025
Total time idled: 969 days, 09:43:24
Current position: [4,22]
Alignment: Neutral/Human
XML: [link]
Gold: 1434
Bank: 0
Power Potions: 0
Luck Potions: 0
Silvanus_Betrium Has Hero?: No
Hero Level: 0
Silvanus_Betrium Has Engineer?: No
Engineer Level: 0
Amulet: 52 [Sparkling Amulet]
Boots: 104 [Boots of Caution]
Charm: 144 [Shimmering Charm]
Gloves: 52
Helm: 51
Leggings: 133 [Shimmering Leggings]
Ring: 77 [Sparkling Ring]
Shield: 50
Tunic: 65 [Tunic of Respect]
Weapon: 91 [Sparkling Weapon]
Sum: 819
Penalties & Battles
Battles Won: 72
Battles Lost: 81
Total Battle Time Removed: 2 days, 10:08:22
Total Battle Time Added: 1 day, 09:12:47
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0
BET commands used (out of 5): 0
Kick: None
Logout: None
Mesg: None
Nick: None
Part: None
Quest: None
Quit: None
Total: None
Recent Character Modifiers
[01/12/25 19:28:12.172] Silvanus_Betrium [408/726] has been set upon by a Tendriculos [642/740] and lost! 0 days, 04:31:02 is added to Silvanus_Betrium's clock. Silvanus_Betrium reaches level 39 in 2 days, 06:42:32.
[01/13/25 05:25:53.432] Helene, cna, siniStar, TarsieR, Kenshin, frog, and Ayselll [6664/8496] have group battled Silvanus_Betrium, sslmystic, brosam, Hekik, Lua, [O]rana, and Bbckl [175/7980] and won! 0 days, 00:00:53 is removed from their clocks.
[01/13/25 08:10:46.866] Silvanus_Betrium [635/726] has been set upon by a Five Headed Cryo-hydra [621/675] and won! 0 days, 05:02:24 is removed from Silvanus_Betrium's clock. Silvanus_Betrium reaches level 39 in 1 day, 12:57:37.
[01/13/25 10:29:15.519] Silvanus_Betrium [679/726] fights with the legendary Harry Dresden [844/1200] and lost! 0 days, 01:16:00 added to Silvanus_Betrium's time. Silvanus_Betrium reaches level 39 in 1 day, 11:55:08.
[01/13/25 12:33:54.214] sslmystic, with its level 9 Hero [2840/4096][3152/4547] has challenged Silvanus_Betrium [355/745] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:48:16 is removed from sslmystic's clock. sslmystic reaches level 44 in 0 days, 03:39:56. (manual challenge)
[01/13/25 13:54:04.074] thepkuz, Kurenai, Helene, xanax, NotaMuzika, ZADMAR, and Induu [2378/4971] have group battled goatstew, opTim, Lord255, xo, Silvanus_Betrium, siniStar, Despina, and Karamba [1429/7956] and won! 0 days, 00:31:59 is removed from their clocks.
[01/14/25 03:05:35.759] Jyynee, with its level 9 Hero [453/4246][503/4713] has challenged Silvanus_Betrium [691/755] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:04:39 is added to Jyynee's clock. Jyynee reaches level 45 in 0 days, 00:37:53. (manual challenge)
[01/14/25 07:15:52.176] Silvanus_Betrium receives an honorable mention! As a reward for its efforts, 0 days, 01:36:02 is removed from its time, it gets 50 gold, and 25 points to its charm! Silvanus_Betrium reaches level 39 in 0 days, 13:32:26.
[01/14/25 17:15:44.543] Silvanus_Betrium [801/819] has come upon DudaCrCinta [203/802] and straight stomped them in combat! DudaCrCinta cries! 0 days, 00:19:08 is removed from Silvanus_Betrium's clock. Silvanus_Betrium reaches level 39 in 0 days, 03:13:29.
[01/14/25 20:29:10.108] Silvanus_Betrium, Ranger, has attained level 39! It reaches level 40 in 2 days, 06:24:50.
[01/14/25 20:29:10.109] Silvanus_Betrium found the level 43 Helm of Caution, but it wasn't better than its level 51 helm. It drops it on the ground.
[01/14/25 20:29:10.120] Silvanus_Betrium [688/819] has challenged Kusumanjali [197/881] in combat and won! 0 days, 04:53:50 is removed from Silvanus_Betrium's clock. Silvanus_Betrium reaches level 40 in 2 days, 01:31:00.
[01/14/25 20:29:10.123] Silvanus_Betrium [638/819] has been set upon by a Young Blue Dragon [122/712] and won! 0 days, 05:56:31 is removed from Silvanus_Betrium's clock. Silvanus_Betrium reaches level 40 in 1 day, 19:34:29.
[01/14/25 23:05:45.183] macrocrab, with his level 9 Hero [1385/4474][1537/4966] has challenged Silvanus_Betrium [659/819] in combat and won! 0 days, 09:08:06 is removed from macrocrab's clock. macrocrab reaches level 47 in 1 day, 17:36:57. (manual challenge)
[01/15/25 02:28:46.467] Spiralix, with his level 9 Hero [3389/4596][3762/5102] has challenged Silvanus_Betrium [595/819] in combat and won! 0 days, 09:32:53 is removed from Spiralix's clock. Spiralix reaches level 44 in 1 day, 19:29:53. (manual challenge)
[View all Character Modifiers (259)]