Player Info
Personal information
User: Titaniaa
Team: UnderX Slasher
Real Name: not set
Age: 69
Gender: female
Location: DUBAI
Email Address:
Level: 41
Next level: 2 days, 14:31:36
Status: Online
Host: Titaniaa!Titania@967D7DE6:E85A9D91:72D4A65B:IP
Account Created: Mon Oct 9 01:43:51 2023
Last login: Thu Jan 16 00:02:45 2025
Total time idled: 447 days, 07:01:56
Current position: [361,169]
Alignment: Neutral/Human
XML: [link]
Gold: 2296
Bank: 0
Power Potions: 0
Luck Potions: 0
Titaniaa Has Hero?: No
Hero Level: 0
Titaniaa Has Engineer?: No
Engineer Level: 0
Show mapItems
Amulet: 189 [Glowing Amulet]
Boots: 119 [Boots of Ice]
Charm: 126 [Charm of Ice]
Gloves: 106 [Shimmering Gloves]
Helm: 164 [Shimmering Helm of Caution]
Leggings: 61 [Leggings of Respect]
Ring: 70 [Sparkling Ring]
Shield: 272 [Glowing Shield of Respect]
Tunic: 70 [Tunic of Respect]
Weapon: 62 [Weapon of Respect]
Sum: 1239
Penalties & Battles
Battles Won: 90
Battles Lost: 118
Total Battle Time Removed: 4 days, 00:19:58
Total Battle Time Added: 4 days, 19:19:01
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0
BET commands used (out of 5): 0
Kick: None
Logout: None
Mesg: None
Nick: None
Part: None
Quest: None
Quit: None
Total: None
Recent Character Modifiers
[01/19/25 09:09:59.662] Titaniaa [790/1235] has challenged Misza [730/936] in combat and won! 0 days, 04:03:54 is removed from Titaniaa's clock. Titaniaa reaches level 41 in 1 day, 12:35:10.
[01/19/25 12:47:59.944] brimstone, seven, and Titaniaa [6471/10281] have hunted down a Plague of Locust [2014/16141] and defeated it! 0 days, 02:11:32 is removed from their clocks.
[01/19/25 12:54:12.959] Titaniaa receives an honorable mention! As a reward for her efforts, 0 days, 04:43:44 is removed from her time and she gets 50 gold! Titaniaa reaches level 41 in 1 day, 01:55:38.
[01/19/25 19:18:32.809] CAINGGET, with its level 9 Hero [146/2928][162/3250] has challenged Titaniaa [449/1235] in combat and lost! 0 days, 01:40:56 is added to CAINGGET's clock. CAINGGET reaches level 45 in 0 days, 13:41:57. (manual challenge)
[01/19/25 19:55:55.332] Maranda [897/1334] has challenged Titaniaa [732/1235] in combat and won! 0 days, 07:19:18 is removed from Maranda's clock. Maranda reaches level 42 in 2 days, 17:53:51.
[01/19/25 21:16:08.710] Titaniaa has won the Low-Level Blind Tournament! As a reward for her battling skills, 0 days, 05:39:10 is removed from her time and she gets 200 gold! Titaniaa reaches level 41 in 0 days, 12:38:04.
[01/20/25 00:15:34.485] Mag, with its level 9 Hero [2990/3872][3319/4298] has challenged Titaniaa [461/1235] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:48:53 is removed from Mag's clock. Mag reaches level 47 in 0 days, 03:15:35. (manual challenge)
[01/20/25 09:42:29.293] Titaniaa, SILENCER, has attained level 41! She reaches level 42 in 3 days, 01:13:09.
[01/20/25 09:42:29.294] Titaniaa found the level 87 Helm of Respect, but it wasn't better than her level 164 Shimmering Helm of Caution. She drops it on the ground.
[01/20/25 09:42:29.306] Titaniaa [17/1239] has challenged Grainz [493/1179] in combat and lost! 0 days, 05:07:31 is added to Titaniaa's clock. Titaniaa reaches level 42 in 3 days, 06:20:40.
[01/20/25 09:42:29.308] Titaniaa [901/1239] has been set upon by a Eleven Headed Cryo-hydra [823/1883] and won! 0 days, 17:14:08 is removed from Titaniaa's clock. Titaniaa reaches level 42 in 2 days, 13:06:32.
[01/20/25 12:08:46.899] Titaniaa [416/1239] fights with the legendary Hermione Granger [142/450] and wins! 0 days, 00:30:44 removed from Titaniaa's time and 10 gold added. Titaniaa reaches level 42 in 2 days, 10:09:34.
[01/20/25 13:08:43.500] Titaniaa was bitten by a mouse
. This terrible calamity has slowed them 0 days, 02:51:28 from level 42. Titaniaa reaches level 42 in 2 days, 12:01:05.
[01/20/25 14:00:54.869] TestRuss, with its level 9 Hero [4647/6453][5158/7163] has challenged Titaniaa [964/1239] in combat and won! 0 days, 04:23:26 is removed from TestRuss's clock. TestRuss reaches level 51 in 0 days, 17:33:47. (manual challenge)
[01/20/25 15:18:25.769] Titaniaa got knifed in a dark alley
. This terrible calamity has slowed them 0 days, 06:21:51 from level 42. Titaniaa reaches level 42 in 2 days, 16:13:14.
[View all Character Modifiers (287)]