Player Info

Personal information

User: Ben
Team: ChatLounge
Real Name: not set
Age: not set
Gender: not set
Location: not set
Email Address: not set
Class: ChatLounge Network Founder
Level: 53
Next level: 2 days, 15:43:20
Status: Online
Host: Ben!
Account Created: Thu Oct 21 23:26:46 2021
Last login: Fri Jul 26 23:02:44 2024
Total time idled: 1004 days, 23:39:01
Current position: [81,453]
Alignment: Neutral/Human
XML: [link]

Gold: 4087
Bank: 0
Power Potions: 0
Luck Potions: 0
Ben Has Hero?: No
Hero Level: 0
Ben Has Engineer?: No
Engineer Level: 0


Show map


Amulet: 299 [Radiant Amulet]
Boots: 267 [Boots of High Spirits]
Charm: 257 [Bright Charm]
Gloves: 245 [Gloves of the Ancient Protector]
Helm: 572 [Luminous Helm of Moderation]
Leggings: 470 [Luminous Leggings of Deception]
Ring: 362 [Incandescent Ring]
Shield: 222 [Shield of High Spirits]
Tunic: 255 [Luminous Tunic]
Weapon: 323 [Glowing Weapon of Calming]

Sum: 3272

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 353
Battles Lost: 343
Total Battle Time Removed: 59 days, 02:35:27
Total Battle Time Added: 35 days, 09:12:53
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0
BET commands used (out of 5): 0

Kick: None
Logout: None
Mesg: None
Nick: None
Part: None
Quest: None
Quit: None

Total: None

Recent Character Modifiers

spacer [07/23/24 17:13:10.851] Kaajallll [2839/3556] has challenged Ben [2411/3306] in combat and won! 2 days, 00:42:31 is removed from Kaajallll's clock. Kaajallll reaches level 53 in 13 days, 13:58:28.
[07/23/24 20:30:04.359] Ben [892/3306] has been set upon by a Windghost [745/2843] and won! 1 day, 15:08:26 is removed from Ben's clock. Ben reaches level 54 in 11 days, 23:01:51.
[07/24/24 05:58:41.100] RussRuss, with its level 9 Hero [11152/14177][12379/15736] has challenged Ben [758/3306] in combat and won! 0 days, 06:50:54 is removed from RussRuss's clock. RussRuss reaches level 64 in 0 days, 19:29:30. (manual challenge)
[07/24/24 07:16:04.139] lurker, with its level 9 Hero [5370/34690][5961/38506] has challenged Ben [1933/3306] in combat and won! 2 days, 10:41:03 is removed from lurker's clock. lurker reaches level 92 in 6 days, 23:01:29. (manual challenge)
[07/24/24 10:25:44.405] Verily I say unto thee, the Heavens have burst forth, and the blessed hand of God carried Ben 5 days, 03:10:39 toward level 54. Ben reaches level 54 in 5 days, 18:54:10.
[07/24/24 12:14:49.950] Asmodean, with his level 9 Hero [5143/7275][5709/8075] has challenged Ben [406/3306] in combat and won! 1 day, 14:52:19 is removed from Asmodean's clock. Asmodean reaches level 57 in 4 days, 14:38:08. (manual challenge)
[07/24/24 17:23:09.595] Thalasssa, TarsieR, Ben, and Pirchxxx have completed their journey! 25% of their burden is eliminated, and they each get 750 gold.
[07/24/24 20:46:58.392] Randy, with its level 9 Hero [1714/13863][1903/15388] has challenged Ben [464/3306] in combat and won! 15 days, 23:43:59 is removed from Randy's clock. Randy reaches level 68 in 45 days, 12:09:51. (manual challenge)
[07/25/24 03:26:34.288] Ben fell, chipping the stone in its amulet! Its amulet loses 10% of its effectiveness.
[07/25/24 08:52:33.700] Pirchxxx, Bishop, and Ben [4176/9615] have hunted down a Hydrofalus [6399/14710] but it beats them badly! 0 days, 01:35:37 is added to their clocks.
[07/25/24 14:05:27.196] Ben [1097/3272] has been set upon by a Ancient Bronze Dragon [1607/5137] and lost! 0 days, 03:59:32 is added to Ben's clock. Ben reaches level 54 in 3 days, 11:50:24.
[07/25/24 21:15:09.625] EddyHelmi, [N]eoma, Bima, Volana, and User72 [7158/25331] have group battled Freckles, ottis, Mugger, Ben, and AmiRuss [28038/81639] and lost! 0 days, 01:29:14 is added to their clocks.
[07/25/24 23:58:12.003] Ben [1607/3272] has challenged siniStar [2762/2875] in combat and lost! 0 days, 05:13:15 is added to Ben's clock. Ben reaches level 54 in 3 days, 07:48:29.
[07/26/24 11:52:56.976] NoelEdmonds, with his level 9 Hero [35801/44371][39739/49252] has challenged Ben [2893/3272] in combat and won! 13 days, 23:13:44 is removed from NoelEdmonds's clock. NoelEdmonds reaches level 104 in 39 days, 18:06:50. (manual challenge)
[07/26/24 22:14:24.799] opTim, Ben, and Freckles [25570/29936] have group battled Rares, Calamay, JoseRizal, and Koach [33869/38132] and lost! 0 days, 11:13:11 is added to their clocks.

[View all Character Modifiers (804)]