Player Info

Personal information

User: jdwilsh
Team: none
Real Name: John
Age: 39
Gender: male
Location: not set
Email Address: not set
Class: Boring Old Guy
Level: 39
Next level: 0 days, 13:43:55
Status: Offline
Host: jdwilsh!~jd@jdwilsh.princess-of-power.gamesurge
Account Created: Fri Jan 3 11:42:39 2025
Last login: Sun Jan 19 14:23:23 2025
Total time idled: 15 days, 02:34:10
Current position: [814,274]
Alignment: Evil/Undead
XML: [link]

Gold: 543
Bank: 0
Power Potions: 0
Luck Potions: 0
jdwilsh Has Hero?: Yes
Hero Level: 8
jdwilsh Has Engineer?: No
Engineer Level: 0


Show map


Amulet: 109 [Amulet of Ice]
Boots: 96 [Boots of Calming]
Charm: 115 [Sparkling Charm of Caution]
Gloves: 159 [Gloves of Power]
Helm: 53 [Sparkling Helm]
Leggings: 189 [Glowing Leggings]
Ring: 167 [Sparkling Ring of Respect]
Shield: 106 [Shield of Calming]
Tunic: 57
Weapon: 58 [Weapon of Caution]

Sum: 1109

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 80
Battles Lost: 87
Total Battle Time Removed: 2 days, 08:28:37
Total Battle Time Added: 2 days, 05:14:46
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0
BET commands used (out of 5): 0

Kick: None
Logout: None
Mesg: None
Nick: None
Part: None
Quest: None
Quit: None

Total: None

Recent Character Modifiers

spacer [01/19/25 14:23:23.729] jdwilsh, the level 38 Boring Old Guy, is now online from GameSurge, nickname jdwilsh. He reaches level 39 in 0 days, 17:26:59.
[01/19/25 15:33:07.972] Lae, eJiM, and jdwilsh [761/2791] have group battled snapto, BLUE_|CE, and Appocomaster [5341/8143] and lost! 0 days, 03:15:27 is added to their clocks.
[01/19/25 16:10:00.100] jdwilsh, with his level 8 Hero [303/853][333/938] has challenged Grainz [916/1171] in combat and lost! 0 days, 01:19:30 is added to jdwilsh's clock. jdwilsh reaches level 39 in 0 days, 20:15:22.
[01/20/25 01:18:08.022] Calamay, with its level 9 Hero [1493/3071][1657/3409] has challenged jdwilsh [118/853][130/938] in combat and won! 0 days, 01:01:35 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 44 in 0 days, 04:40:37. (manual challenge)
[01/20/25 05:10:48.262] jdwilsh receives an honorable mention! As a reward for his efforts, 0 days, 00:45:23 is removed from his time, he gets 50 gold, and 25 points to his charm! jdwilsh reaches level 39 in 0 days, 06:29:07.
[01/20/25 06:54:03.298] testcrab, with his level 9 Hero [5227/7095][5802/7875] has challenged jdwilsh [634/875][697/963] in combat and won! 0 days, 09:55:10 is removed from testcrab's clock. testcrab reaches level 51 in 1 day, 21:11:21. (manual challenge)
[01/20/25 11:39:56.260] jdwilsh, Boring Old Guy, has attained level 39! He reaches level 40 in 2 days, 06:24:50.
[01/20/25 11:39:56.261] jdwilsh found the level 56 Weapon of Caution, but it wasn't better than his level 58 Weapon of Caution. He drops it on the ground.
[01/20/25 11:39:56.271] jdwilsh, with his level 8 Hero [211/875][232/963] has challenged _Alethea_ [697/1071] in combat and lost! 0 days, 03:48:32 is added to jdwilsh's clock. jdwilsh reaches level 40 in 2 days, 10:13:22.
[01/20/25 11:39:56.273] jdwilsh, with his level 8 Hero [698/875][768/963] has been set upon by a Bebilith Demon [315/1454] and won! 0 days, 12:48:32 is removed from jdwilsh's clock. jdwilsh reaches level 40 in 1 day, 21:24:50.
[01/20/25 12:10:00.273] Mab [87/1337] has challenged jdwilsh [586/875][645/963] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:38:58 is added to Mab's clock. Mab reaches level 42 in 0 days, 09:55:44.
[01/20/25 22:41:07.356] DudaCrCinta [472/987] has challenged jdwilsh [224/875][246/963] in combat and won! 0 days, 06:35:23 is removed from DudaCrCinta's clock. DudaCrCinta reaches level 42 in 2 days, 18:37:46.
[01/21/25 04:18:29.481] jdwilsh [433/917] fights with the legendary Captain Jack Sparrow [1026/1200] and lost! 0 days, 01:18:00 added to jdwilsh's time. jdwilsh reaches level 40 in 1 day, 06:04:20.
[01/21/25 06:04:28.056] Limnoria, with its level 9 Hero [6720/7016][7459/7788] has challenged jdwilsh [666/917][733/1009] in combat and won! 1 day, 00:43:29 is removed from Limnoria's clock. Limnoria reaches level 52 in 4 days, 16:38:07. (manual challenge)
[01/21/25 07:57:23.525] jdwilsh [257/917] fights with the legendary Humpty Dumpty [69/150] and wins! 0 days, 00:09:45 removed from jdwilsh's time and 10 gold added. jdwilsh reaches level 40 in 1 day, 02:15:41.

[View all Character Modifiers (309)]